Megascale Cell-Cell Similarity Network

Megascale Cell-Cell Similarity Network:

This dataset contains information for the mouse brain cells and is a single-cell RNA-sequecing dataset. The dataset is preprocessed and the unwanted sources of variations are filtered out. Mouse brain cells are represented by nodes and the edges refer to nearest neighbor similarities between cells according to similar gene expressions.

Here is some information regarding this dataset:

  • Number of Nodes: 1,018,524

  • Number of Edges: 24,735,503

More information about the dataset and links of download are available on SNAP

If you use this dataset, make sure to cite the papers:

M. Zitnik, R. Sosic, J. Leskovec, Prioritizing Network Communities, Nature Communications, 2018.

G. X. Zheng et al, Massively Parallel Digital Transcriptional Profiling of Single Cells, Nature Communations, 2017.

M. Zitnik, R. Sosic, S. Maheshwari, J. Leskovec, BioSNAP Datasets: Biomedical Network Dataset Collection, 2018.

Keywords: Network, Biology and Health, RNA