Posts Tagged ‘Google+’
SNAP Social Circles
SNAP Social Circles:
This dataset contains circles (different friendship networks) of the ego-networks of the users in social networks (Facebook, Twitter and Google+) and the dataset features are the related information of the users’ profiles including university, school, sport team, etc. The dataset was collected for a study to build a generative model of social circles with unsupervised learning of the model parameters.
Here is some information regarding this dataset:
- Number of ego-networks: 10
Number of nodes: 4039
Number of Edges: 88,234
To find more information and the links of download, please refer to
- Number of ego-networks: 1000
Number of nodes: 81,306
Number of Edges: 1,768,149
To find more information and the links of download, please refer to
- Number of Ego-networks: 133
Number of Nodes: 107,614
Number of Edges: 13,673,453
To find more information and the links of download, please refer to
If you use any of the 3 datasets provided above:
Make sure to cite the paper:
J. McAuley, J. Leskovec, Learning to Discover Social Circles in Ego Networks, NIPS, 2012.
Keywords: Social Network, Network, Facebook, Twitter, Google+